In the Reuse of Commons on Monday Mr. Asquith asked
for and obtained a Vote of Oredit for £225,000,000 and a vote for another million men for the Regular Army. He-first explained how the former vote of £100,000,000 was expended. The largest amount had gone to the conduct of military operations. Other items were leans to our Allies, a large sum to secure the necessaries of life to the country, a considerable sum for the control of the railways, and assistance to refugees. Of the new Vote of Credit most would be spent on the Army and Navy. Securing the food supply and so forth would not require much more money. Loans, however, for other pur- poses than our own would amount to £44,000,000. No interest would be charged on the loan of £10,000,000 to Belgium, nor on that of £800,000 to Serbia. The Government proposed to raise a loan of £30,250,000 for the use of the British Dominions. The cost of the war was between £900,000 and £1,000,000 a day.