21 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 14

Though we gladly acknowledge this, we shall not, out of

any false generosity or excess of zeal, fail in our duty of reminding the Government, Lord Kitchener, and the country that not only are we not getting the men we require in sufficient numbers, but that the Government are not going the right way about it to get them. As an example of official ineptitude take one tiny indication. Let our readers look at the Army advertisements in the Press. They are not changed, as all advertisements should be, to meet the changing circum- stances. They ,still go on talking about the need for a hundred thousand men when, as a matter of fact, what we arc asking for is another million. Again, our amateur advertisers continue utterly to neglect the coupon system, which, if it had been adopted from the beginning, would have brought them extra recruits by the hundred thousand.