21 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 32

Now that we have a g ain to consider the treatment of

prisoners of war on a large scale, special interest will be taken in Napoleon the Gaoler, by Edward Fraser (Methuen and Co., 5a. net), based on the personal narratives of British soldiers and sailors who were imprisoned in France a century ago. The longest and most vivid of these narratives is taken from a pre- viously unknown manuscript.—Prisoners of War in Franz., edited by Sir Edward Hain (Duckworth and Co., 7s. 6d. net), contains the similar narratives of two young St. Ives seamen who were held prisoners from 1804 to 1814. They are full of interesting details —A valuable and laborious contribution to the minute history of Napoleon's own captivity is A St. Helena Who's Who, or directory of the inhabitants of the island from 1815 to 1821, by Dr. Arnold Chaplin (The Author, 3 York Gate, London).--Messrs. Longman and Co. have reprinted the second edition of Professor August Fournier's Napoleon I. (2 vols., 10s. 6d. net), well known as one of the best works of its kind in existence, in the excellent English version of Miss A. E. Adams,