Certainly a frank undertaking tq b retire front Belgium would be "something
to go on with," though it would be but a fragment of the conditions required by the Allies. But no for as rumour has shaped itself in connexion with Belgium, it cannot be called encouraging. There have been many hints in German newspapers that Germany is ready to give up the " effective " control of Belgium. The only comment it is possible to make on this is that " effective " is not an honest wont. The Germans either retire from Belgium or they do not If they hope to retain a control of Belgium that will depend for ita legality on the interpretation of the word "effective," they are of course merely planning to retire and yet not retire. It is useless, however, at the moment to go into these matters in any detail. The reply of the Central Powers to the Pope will probably be published within a few days, and then we shall see what we shall see.