22 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HERE have been cornyrumours of petite proposals during the week, all traceable, as might be supposed, to Germany. We would warn our readers to pay little attention to these......

President Wilson Is Therefore Every Bit As Firm In His

resolution to follow the one and only way of peace as Lincoln was throughout the Civil War. Lincoln was in the best sense a humanitarian— e, lover of mankind—and so we believe......

Sir Douglas Haig, Through Another Week Of Broken Weather,...

himself to local operations on the Western Front, until on Thursday morning he resumed the offensive on a wide front east of Ypres. At the time of writing we know only that our......

No Doubt If Belgium Is Mentioned At All In The

answer to the Pope, even in the disingenuous manner which seems to be fore- shadowed, our Pacificists here will tell us that another goklen opportunity for peace has arrived. We......

The French Line Has Been In A State Of Violent

agitation through. out the week. North of Verdun, the enemy on Friday week made a determined attack on the positions lately retaken by the French to the north of the Cauriares......

Orders Signed By General Von Ludendorff, Chief Of The German

General Staff, have recently been found on German prisoners in Flanders. The peculiar interest of these Orders is that they urge a strict economy in mon as well as in munitions.......

Certainly A Frank Undertaking Tq B Retire Front Belgium...

to go on with," though it would be but a fragment of the conditions required by the Allies. But no for as rumour has shaped itself in connexion with Belgium, it cannot be called......

The Allied Airmen, Undeterred By The Weather, Have Been...

The Naval Air Service has made throe more raid f on West Flanders, where life in an enemy aerodrome must now be a daily penance. Besides attacking the aeroplane shelters, our......

The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The...

give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the Spectator " to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......