22 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 16

Blinded Soldiers' Children. (to The Ed/tor Of Ran...

SIR,—I want to carry one step farther the endeavour which during nearly three years past has been made to brighten and render serial the lives of the soldiers and sailers who......


IN FRANCE. THE silences of maternal hills Is round me in my evening dreams; And round me music-making bills And mingling IVIIIVS . of pastoral streams. Whatever way I turn I......

Skating On Thin Ice.

[To ran Burros or Tax " Sexersroo."1 s ie ,—j a Mrs. Pioszi's (Mrs. Thrale's) anecdotes of Dr. Johnson she says:— " We had got a little French print among us at Brighthelmsto.......

"bury Olt Burn."

Tae article under the above heading, dealing with the desecration of beautiful places by the scattering of pieces of paper and other picnic 'labels, which appeared in our issue......

Calling All The Hounds Of Finn Must Be In A

lark's nest born When the moon is very thin. I, who have the gift, can hear Hounds and horn and tally-ho, And the tongue of Bran as clear An Christmas bells across the snow. And......

"a Student 1n Arms."

Tun leading article in the Spectator on the death of Lieutenant Hankey and his article " Don't Worry " have been republished as a leaflet by Messrs. W. Speaight and Sons, 98-99......

"from A V.a.d. Hospital."

Miss MART-ADAIR MACDONALD'S three poems ("In the Ward." "Epiphany Vision," and "In Last Year's Camp") hate been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under......

"christ In Flanders."

OWING to the large and continued demand for copies of the poem entitled "Christ in Flanders," which appeared in our issue of September 11th, 1915, it has now been reprinted in......

Tue Rev. Owen Lewis Writes From " The Cascade Inn,"

Shawinigan Falls, Que.. Canada, thanking the unknown friend who sends him a eopy of the Spectator every week, and asking us to say that his address has been changed to "Magog,......