22 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 2

Mm. Cheidze, Skobeleff, Tseretelli, And Chernoff, Has...

protest against the passing of the - Methodist resolution which demanded that the Soviet itself should erasure the powers of government. We imagine that the issue will now be......

Another Swedish Diplomatist Acting As A Tool Of Germany Has

been exposed by the American Government. A letter written by Herr von Eckardt, the German Minister to Mexico, to the Imperial Chancellor on March 8th, 1916, which has been made......

M. Painter& The New French Premier, Who Has Formed His

Ministry without the assistance of the Socialists, made his first speech to the Chamber on Tuesday. His task was, he said, " to gather together all the material and moral forces......

Germany And Austria Have Appointed A Regency Council Of...

members for the Russian Kingdom of Poland. This Council is to summon a State Council and appoint a Cabinet. Its acts are, how- ever, to be subject to the approval of the German......

Our Italian Allies Are Still Hotly Engaged With Austrian...

ments on the slopes of Monte San Gabriel°, at the south-east corner of the Baineizza plateau north of Gorizia. They hold the summit and the north and west slopes, but have not......

Il Isvolsky, The Former Russian Ambassador In Paris, Has...

in the Temps some astonishing details concerning the secret anti- British treaty which the Kaiser induced the ex-Tsar to sign at Bjorkii in Finland in the summer of 1903. The......

The Russian Army Seems To Have Been Positively...

the loses of Riga and the suppression of General Korniloff. Instead of retreating further into Livonia, it has been advancing on a wide froit and pushing the enemy back towards......

The Admiralty In Last Saturday's Papers Published Brief...

notes, of eight recent encounters with enemy sub- marines, four of which were certainly sunk, while four more were probably destroyed by bombs exploding under water. In one......

In The Wild Hills On The Borders Of Macedonia And

Albania, the French completed at the end of last week a well-planned little move, which established them on the shores of Lake Ochrida. The enemy were driven from their......

The Allied Airmen, Undeterred By The Weather, Have Been...

The Naval Air Service has made throe more raid f on West Flanders, where life in an enemy aerodrome must now be a daily penance. Besides attacking the aeroplane shelters, our......