22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 2

The Russian Army seems to have been positively invigorated by

the loses of Riga and the suppression of General Korniloff. Instead of retreating further into Livonia, it has been advancing on a wide froit and pushing the enemy back towards Riga. There are no more reports of troops refusing to fight. On the contrary, the Russian advance guards have been skirmishing vigorously, and on Sunday last were reported as " showing great firmness and stability in repelling the German attacks " near Segewold, where a " stubborn battle" was proceeding. This is an auspicious beginning for AL Kerenaky as Commander-in-Chief. He may be, and we trust will be, the Carrot whom Russia sorely needs to organize victory out of chaos and defeat. On Russia's southern front the enemy, oppressed by Italian cares, is not only inactive but has retreated a few miles in Galicia. The Rumanians, not content with beating off Marshal von Mackeneen's repeated attacks on their linos between the Carps- thians and the Sereth, have resumed the offensive in the foothills near Oona and have taken several enemy positions.