22 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 11

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the /moth of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than chose which fill treble the space.] THE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR.......

A Converted Pacificist.

[To rue Burros or ma "Seeerwroa."] Sta,—I have been trying to grasp the Pacificist theory at the present juncture of affairs. I was a Pacificist once and am ,a sort of......

Badger Hams.

[To ran Earree or visa " SPEOTATOR."[ Sur,—It is gratifying at this time of scarcity to see that some ore has called public attention to an animal whose qualities as a food have......

Cheap Bread And War Economy.

[To TICE EDITOR or THE Secession."] SIR, —In your last issue you criticise the Food Controller for reducing the price of bread from the standpoint that higher prices tend to......

A Pacificist'8 Hope For The Future. [to The Editor Or

THE " SPECTATOR.'] Sta n —You are apt to be hard on the Pacifieists, and yet I cannot help thinking that this extract from a letter written by one of them to a German lady of......

The Root Of Social Reform.

[TO THE EDITOR or THE " EPECTATOR."] Sts,—In your last issue "L. W." writes that if certain suggestions of his are carried out the housing problem will be solved, by individual......