22 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 3

Another Swedish Diplomatist Acting As A Tool Of Germany Has

been exposed by the American Government. A letter written by Herr von Eckardt, the German Minister to Mexico, to the Imperial Chancellor on March 8th, 1916, which has been made......

We Still Hope That There May B3 Some Places Of

honour found for industrial workers in the new Orders. We should like to see working nten and women given Orders as distinct from =dole. If popular opinion regards honours......

President Lowell Of Harvard, In A Speech To The National

Safety Council in New York last week, declared that Germany must not recover her lost colonies. The German military autocracy, he said, must be subdued, or the world would have......

The Tariff Reform League Had A Lively Meeting At Manchester

last Saturday, when a propenel that the League should bo merged in the new National Party aroueed hot opposition. The funds of the Tariff Reform League are, we suppose,......

The Future Of The Colonies That Were Once German Will

be decided hereafter, and the Dominions will have a word to say in the matter. Meanwhile we may reflect that, before the war, so little were the British Government actuated by......

The Difficult Position Of Dominion Or State Governors Is...

by Professor A. B. Keith of Edinburgh in an important letter appearing in Tuesday's Times. Professor Keith, who speaks with authority on the Constitutional law of the Dominions,......

Sir Auckland Geddes, The New Minister Of National...

lined his policy in a speech at Glasgow on Saturday last. His Department, he said, was to be the central authority to deal with the man-power of the country for all purposes,......

America Has Taken The Short Way Of Dealing With The

European neutrals who have been helping to feed the enemy. The Exports Administration Board has announced that it will be virtually impossible for any nation not at war as one......

The Most Notable Feature Of Sir Auckland Geddee's Speech Was

his description of the modern army as a big community in which men of all ages were needed for its various activities. " To raise men purely on an age basis was not really a......

The King Has Spent Four Busy Days This Weak On

the Clyde, visiting the shipyards, factories, and munition works between Greenock and Glasgow, and the great steelworks in Lanarkshire. On Tuesday, on a Glasgow football ground,......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.

April 5th.......

We Are Interested To Observe How The Much-lauded " Business

man," when called in to help the mere politician, makes it his first business to shatter the popular delusions fostered by those who eulogized his coming. Lord Rhondda, on......