22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 3

President Lowell of Harvard, in a speech to the National

Safety Council in New York last week, declared that Germany must not recover her lost colonies. The German military autocracy, he said, must be subdued, or the world would have no pease. Further, the oppression of one race by another must as far as possible be removed. For that reason, President Lowell said, " we cannot consider the return to Germany of her former colonies that their people may be exploited as they have been in the past." There is unfortunately no doubt that the natives suffered greatly under the harsh and unsympathetic German rule, though not all German Governors were as savage as the notorious Peters or the barbarous Trotha, who massacred the Hereros, the freest native people in South-West Africa. A German Conservative journal has lately amused itself at the expense of the German Colonial Office by imagining how the typical German official would deal with the Hindu pilgrims at Rename. He would forbid them, in the interests of public health, to wash in the Ganges, and would thris stir up a religious revolt, to be suppressed by arms !