22 SEPTEMBER 1917, page 19


UNFINISHED STORIES BY HENRY JAMES.f IT is tantalizing to be presented with two unfinished stories by the late Henry James, neither of which is carried far enough to show how the......

What Is Qtjakerism? • Tow Doctrine Of The Inner Light

is, as every ono knows, the keynote of Quakerism. Scoffers take this to mean that every man should do what is right in his own eyes and nothing more. The Society of Friends......

The German Spy In America.•

Tee facts relating to the activities of German spies in America were obtained by Mr. Price Jones as a reporter on the New York Sun, when he devoted a year to no other work. "......

A Student Under Fire.•

MR. BERNARD BITE, assistant-master at the Coopers' Company's School, and well known for his lectures on English literature et the Working Men's College, joined the Border......