22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 3

Sir Auckland Geddes, the new Minister of National Service, out-

lined his policy in a speech at Glasgow on Saturday last. His Department, he said, was to be the central authority to deal with the man-power of the country for all purposes, and would first of all try to restore order in the "crater area" to which the field of National Service had been reduced by muddling. A National Labour Priority Committee, representing all the Departments, would have the last word in regard to the supply of labour for national work. Recruiting would be decentralized ; Great Britain would be divided into " regions " with a civilian Director and staff is each to obtain men for the Army. The Medical Boards for examining recruits would be selected on the advice of professional Advisory Boards ; their decision,' might be reviewed by the Appeal Tribunals, fortified by medical assessors whom the Local Govern- ment Board and the Scottish Office would appoint, so as to secure an impartial verdict.