22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 2

Our Italian Allies are still hotly engaged with Austrian reinforce-

ments on the slopes of Monte San Gabriel°, at the south-east corner of the Baineizza plateau north of Gorizia. They hold the summit and the north and west slopes, but have not yet cleared the slopes to the south and east. The Austrians, by denuding their Eastern front of all the men that can be spared, and even withdrawing their line for Sib miles from the Galician border, have accumulated a for- midable new army to face General Cadorna. They know that if San Gahriele is lost, their whole line east of Gorizia will go, and that will lead to the outflanking of the Carso positions further south. The Italian Minister of War, in an interesting statement to Reuter in Monday's papers, said that Italy had mobilized over four million two hundred thousand men, and had compelled Austria to double her armies on the Italian front and to send two-thirds of her artillery there. The obscure struggle on the Isonzo and in the Dolomites is thus of vital importance to the Allied cause.