22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 2

Another Swedish diplomatist acting as a tool of Germany has

been exposed by the American Government. A letter written by Herr von Eckardt, the German Minister to Mexico, to the Imperial Chancellor on March 8th, 1916, which has been made public by Mr. Lansing, asks that a decoration should be conferred on Herr Folke Cronholm, the Swedish Charge d'Affaires in Mexico City, who " has mot disguised his sympathy with Germany," and who `! is the only diplomatist through whom information from a hostile camp can be obtained." Herr Cronholm, we learn, displayed his sympathy to the extent of disturbing his after-dinner comfort and personally going out to the post office to post letters in the interests of Germany. Herr von Eckardt suggested that, "in order not to excite the enemy's suspicion," the reward for these acts of devotion should not be publicly announced till after the war. The Swedish Chargé d'Affaires in Washington has stated that Herr Cronholm was dismissed the service in January last, possibly because ho had been found out. Meanwhile Sweden has offered no adequate apology for the unneutral action of her Foreign Office and her Minister at Buenos Aires in transmitting code telegrams to and from the enemy's Minister in Argentina.