22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 2

MM. Cheidze, Skobeleff, Tseretelli, and Chernoff, has resigned as a

protest against the passing of the -Methodist resolution which demanded that the Soviet itself should erasure the powers of government. We imagine that the issue will now be joined between the extremists and Him who recognize that in the reformation of Russia what may be called the spirit of coalition must prevail. Without this spirit we should see little hops shining through the darkness. Fortunately If. Kerenaky seem to be determined to resist the extremists. What an absurd pretence it is, and yet how characteristic of human thought, that a small section of a democracy should believe itself entitled to speak for all! The Petrograd Soviet has as much right to say that it represents that huge conglomeration called Russia as the Independent Labour Party or the British Socialist Party has to sly that it stands for the democracy of Great Britain. We have discussed the whole question elsewhere.