22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 16


Miss MART-ADAIR MACDONALD'S three poems ("In the Ward." "Epiphany Vision," and "In Last Year's Camp") hate been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under the heading of "From a V.A.D. Hospital." They are dedicated to the Nurses of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Empire who have "nourished the wounded and soothed many m dying soldier." Copies can be obtained from Messrs. W. Spesight and Sons, 98-99 Fetter Lane, London, N.C. 4 (to whom all inquiries should be addressed), post free at the price of,-6 copies, 2d.; 100 copies, 2s. Gd.; 1,000 copies, 12s. Not less than six copies can be supplied.