22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 14


(To THE Eerron or me "Sercraroa.") ins,—Having seen your note to "Fiat Justitiee " letter in the Spectator of September 8th, I wish to state that all medical reports on my husband Captain Bowen-Colthurst!s condition are kept

strictly private, and are not allowed to be seen even-by his rela- tions. I with others who have visited him at Broadmoor Asylum know him to be—and to have been for some time past—perfectly sane and normal. Medical opinion doubtless only corroborates my

statement—I am, Sir, Ac., ROSALINDA Bowan-COLTHCEST. 105 Festing Grove, Southsea.

[We think that a plea should be advanced for a formal medical examination, the result to be made public. If the verdict were unfavourable, we should have no more to say on the subject. If it were favourable, we, for our part, could nob rest with Captain Colthurot deprived of his liberty while other Irishmen, who admittedly committed terrible crimes with no excuse of temporary aberration, are at large.—En. Spectator.]