22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 15


CTo me EDITOR or THE " 131.60TATOR."1 Sie,—Having in view the consideration given to housing matters at the present time and the likelihood of their being brought even mere prominently before the public in the near future, I venture to ask you for a small space in your columns for the insertion of this letter. The management of houses by trained educated women was begun by the late bliss Octavio Hill in 1060. and as a work successfully done by women its value is very widely accepted. We hope very much that, in the interest of the standard of living and health of the working classes, women's work will be more widely used in the future in this connexion. We think it is not generally known that an Association of Women House Property Manners has been recently formed by women who have been doing this-work

for many years. There are at present in London alone over sii thousand families living on properties managed by members oT the Association. In management is included the collection of rents, the ordering and paying of repairs, the assessment for and payment of rates and taxes, &c., the careful selection of new tenants, the eviction of those proved unsuitable; but every worker regards her work not only in its purely business aspect, but is au active agent in the establishment of a good understanding between landlord and tenant, with a mutual acceptance of responsibilities and obligations. The Secretary of the Association will be glad to give any further information about management or training, by letter or appointment, at 92 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.—We are,

M. K. MOOR, Hon. Secretary.

Women's Institute, 92 Victoria Street. S.11'. 1.