22 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 21

Nelson's Last Diftry. With an Introduction and Notes by Gilbert

Hudson. (Elkin Mathews. 2e. 6d. net.)—Nelson's private diary from September 13th, 1805, when lie left Merton, to the morning of October 21,4, when he wrote a last prayer and a codicil recommending Lady Hamilton to his King and country, is printed in full for the first time in this little book. The diary was, for the sake of the codicil, filed at Doctors' Commons and is now preserved at Somerset House, the last place in which most people would think of looking for it. Mr. Hudson points out that two leaves had Leen abstracted, probably before 1807, and the contents of the first of these leaves, the entries from October 4th to 8th, cannot be supplied from any known source. Mr. Hudson's careful reprint, well annotated, of this historic document is welcome.