25 AUGUST 1917, Page 1


THIS has been for the Allies the greatest week of the war. j. The combined offensive on a grand scale that we all hoped for has begun in the West, though not, unhappily, in the East. The British and French have again struck hard in the Ypres sector. The Canadians have pushed still nearer to Lens. Our troops have been active east of Epelty, on the Hindenburg Line north of St. Quentin. Our gallant French Allies, while keeping the enemy burry north of the Aisne and in Champagne, have delivered a terrific blow on a wide front north of Verdun. The Italians have begun a spirited attack along their whole Eastern front, thirty miles long. The battle-line from Flanders to the Adriatic is everywhere in movement, and at all points the Allies have so far done well.