Democracy On Its Trial.
[To THE Dome or ens "Sezeraut.".1 S's,—Can democracy diseipliue itself? if not, autocracy will be triumphant. The nation through its Government most run the war, and no one......
America's Determination.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECIATOR."1 Stockholm and Rome, incited by the 'reut ,:u it Powers, are striving to lure us into au ignominious peace, a sped of fresh air from the West......
Decentralization In India.
[To THE EDITOR or THE ..SPECTA1011."1 Sts.—May I point out one omission, obvious to any one who has taken even a minor part in Indian administration. in your admi- rable......
Does Posterity Pay?
[To Tat Eritrea or me "Semerma."1 Sla. - - 3 n IIIIIHNiak8ble fallacy seems to me to underlie your ertiele of August 1101, "Does Posterity bey? fallacy perpetually cropping out......
The Russian Revolution And The Near East. [to The Editor
Or Tar "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—There is one aspect of the Russian delaicle which, so far as I hare seen, has escaped notice in the public Press. Will you allow me, as a student of......