"ET IN ARCADIA EGO." " Soy, Scholar,•hast thou seen Oxford? " Thus sought the countrymen who throng the page Of him, the singer-craftsman,. who first took The Oxford of all ages......
THE NEXT WAR.: THESE three books, all very much from the name point of view, discuss a tremendous subject—no less Mum how what they call Militarism may be prevented from......
From A V.a.d. Hospital."
Mess MAwr-ADele MACDONALD'S three poems (" In the Ward," "Epiphany Vision," and "In Last Year's Camp") have been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under......
Communicated," The Editor Must Not Necessarily Be Held To Be
in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of ex- pression. In such instances, or in the case of "Letters to the Editor," insertion only means that the......