The British And French Governments Have Arranged To Carry A
Spanish officer in every hospital ship, to dispose finally of the enemy's pretence that the ships are being used as transports, and may therefore be torpedoed without warning.......
This Week We Have Had Two Enemy Air Raids. On
Tuesday night acme Zeppelins, after an interval of two months, appeared off the Yorkshire coast. One, or perhaps two, came inland, bombed some coast villages, and injured one......
As To Our Shipping Losses, Mainly From Submarines, Mr. Lloyd
George said that since February the net losses, after eledueting newly built ships, had been under 250,000 tons a month, or lees than half as great as the enemy asserted them to......
The Losses Of Merchant Vessels From German Submarines...
change in the weekly return issued by the Admiralty. Accord- ing to the corrected figures, fourteen vessels of over 1,600 tons were sunk laet week (the same number as in the......
With Regard To The Military Situation, The Premier...
the "great converging move" platmed by - the Allies for 19I1' hadheenepoilt bytheRussian collapse. Thenipperswere beginning to grip the enemy during the short-lived Russian......
On The Eastern Front The Rumanians Have Had Another Week
of very Revere fighting, as the result of which their southern front has been drawn back a little way south of Ocna, in the Carpathian foothills. Their southern centre, at......
Mr. Asquith, Following The Premier In A Brief But Memorable
speech, reminded the Govemtuentend the country that everything} turned upon labour. Labour upon the land, labour upon shipbuild- ing, was, to his Wind, the key of the whole......
The Fighting On The Other Aide, Which Now Ensues As
a regular result of the air raids on England, is a most interesting development. More German machines aro driven down there than on this aide, and the reason is very simple. The......
The Ex-tear Nicholas, With His Wife And Children, Has Been
sent to Siberia. He is at present at Tobolsk. The Provisional Govern- ment's reasons for deporting him from Tsarskoe Selo to the remote interior are not clearly stated, but may......
The Vigilance Of Our Navy In The Bight Of Heligolan
I has been alleeted by two incident,. On Thursday week our light naval tomes. scouting there sighted an enemy destroyer, with mine- sweepers presumably engaged in removing our......
The Premier On Thareday - Week Gave The House Of Commons
some interesting figures with regard to our food supplies and our shipping losses. We had very considerably improved" our position in respect of food. The stocks of wheat were......
Sir Joseph Maclay, The Shipping Controller, Had, Mr....
continued, by a fuller use of the available ships and by speedier methods of loading and unloading them, been able to carry in British ships in Juno and July 150,000 tons of......
Mr. Hodge Has Succeeded Mr. Barnes As Minister Of Pensions.
Tim Ministry of Laborer, thus vacated, has been assigned to Mr. C. H. Roberts, the Labour Member for Norwich, and Mr. Roberts's piece as Parliamentary Secretary to the Hoard of......