Illustralions Of Medieval Romance In Tiles From C'herlsey...
R. S. Loomis. (University of Illinois. 75 cents.)—The Iseautt ut thirteenth-century tiles, of English workmanship, found in the ruins, of Chertaey Abbey sixty yeara ago, and now......
Some Books 01? The Week.
[Nutire in this esteem data not necessarily preclude wYsoptent resiete1 Ireland in the Realm and Ulster in Ireland. By Richarcbsea Erato. (Constable and Co. Is. net.)—This......
Readable Nove/a.—nocturne. By Frank Swirmorton. (martin...
which, the unities are strictly preserved as the action covers a period of under twelve hours. The events are not dramatic, and the book is chiefly an analysis of the state. of......
Guild Principles In War And Peace. By S. G. Hobaon.
(0. Bell . and Sons. 2s, ed. net.)—Mr. Hohson'ts fur:nolo for the millennittin is the National. Guild. The workers in each industry are to control it, and earls one of them,......
Sir Rabindraxath Tagore..
"Tame is no event in my reminiscences," says Sir Rahandranath Tagoro in his introductory pages, " worthy of being preserved for all time. 13ut the quality of the subject is not......
Lloyd George : The Man And Hue Story. By Frank
Minot. (T. Fisher Unwin. Is. 6,1. net.)—Mr. Dilnot's lively and amusing eketelt of the Premier is worth reading. He writes as a candid friend, and devotes a whole chapter to Mr.......
ALSACE BEFORE THE WAR.* VALLOTTON'S sympathetic study of life in an Alsatian tillage befure the war is profoundly interesting. For many years peat the world has heard little......