Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs arc * en more read, and therefore more effective, than those which Pltreble the space.] THE COLONIAL VIEW OF TILE......
A Volume Has Lately Conic Into Our Hands, Published In New
York end London by Messrs. Putnam. It is called Recollections of a Happy Life, by Elizabeth Christopher.; Hobson. edited by Miss Louisa M.Schuyler (6s. nell—a fitting tribute......
The True Spirit Of Empire. [to Tun Editor Or Tan
"Sescrarm.".1 Sin,—A friend sent me recently the following quotation from Claudian " Haec est in gremium rictus qune solo recepit, Humanuinspe genus communi nomino fovit, Matris......
The Russian Revolution And The Near East. [to The Editor
Or Tar "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—There is one aspect of the Russian delaicle which, so far as I hare seen, has escaped notice in the public Press. Will you allow me, as a student of......