Economic Problems Of Peace After War. By W. R. Scott.
(Cam- bridge University Press. 4a. IA. net4—Professor Scott's Jevons Lectures at University College, London, printed in this volume, have a pleasant literary flavour. Seldom do......
Professor Knatschke. Collected And Illustrated By Hanoi....
L. Crewe. (Hodder and Stoughton. Is. Gal. net.) —The subtle wit of the Alsatian Rama," in his satirical writings mod drawings, was admitted by the German Government itself, long......
The Liaustrial Outlook. Edited By H. Sanderson Funoiss....
Winelus. 3s. Od. net.)—These very able and well- informed essays, edited by the Principal of Ruskin College, deserve Attention. In the first four, " Employers and Property," by......
Name This Flower. By Gaston Bonnier. Translated By Pro-...
G. S. Boulger. (J. M. Dent and So.. 6s. net.)—This book is precisely what many people, who love flowers but have not studied botany, loave long wanted. It is " a simple way of......