Name This Flower. By Gaston Bonnier. Translated by Pro- fessor
G. S. Boulger. (J. M. Dent and So.. 6s. net.)—This book is precisely what many people, who love flowers but have not studied botany, loave long wanted. It is " a simple way of finding out the names of common plants without any previous knowledge of botany," devised and worked out with great ingenuity by the Professor of Botany at the Sorbonne and adapted to English needs by Professor Boulger. We ought to add that, as botany is a complex science, the method is not quite so simple as it may seem to the author and translator, but with a little patience the unlearned inquirer will find the book extremely helpful. Indeed, the senrch for a flower's name, under If. Bonnier's guidance, is as Blousing as the old guessing game of the nursery, when one arrived at the result by asking questions to which the other players answered merely " Yes " or No." There are three hundred and seventy- two coloured drawings and nearly three thousand diagrams to help one in the search.