With regard to the military situation, the Premier admitted that
the "great converging move" platmed by -the Allies for 19I1' hadheenepoilt bytheRussian collapse. Thenipperswere beginning to grip the enemy during the short-lived Russian offensivC, but now one claw of the nippers was out of repair for the moment, and the brunt of the fight must fall or. the Western Allies. Ile gavel he House the news of the -taking of Langemarck, and pointed out that Gees many, although relieved from the Russian menace, could not hold her own against the British rmd French attacks. When Russia. had fecovered, and America had joined in the land, war, we sheakt begin, next year, to reap the fruits of our valour. The enemy's difficulties were increasing and their power diminishing, - and they knew it. For us this was the supreme hone for patiences courage,' endurance, hope, and unity.