25 AUGUST 1917, Page 11


[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECIATOR."1 Stockholm and Rome, incited by the 'reut ,:u it Powers, are striving to lure us into au ignominious peace, a sped of fresh air from the West may lend to invigorate those of (if there be any such) who are weakenine ins determinations. Such u gust comes from the Boston (Mees) Transcript, which you miry think worthy of a glare in your (*luaus. The fullewing is from its issue of July 27th


`We shall not continue this war one day 1, P l ger to make comeiest if we can make peace with honour,' encteouely aseeveratea Germany's new Chancellor, holding in Iris baud, no double ' the sword from on high.' We shall not coil tub war one day short of that victory for our forces afloat and afield which will humble the Hun, restore the peace of righteousness, and DVOIIHR the honour of an outraged world. Thal i. America's answer In this latest hid from Berlin for barter. It will take bleed and treasure and it may take years, but there will be no turning bark from the task, no time-killing eenvereetiene or correspomlence ahead a compromise."