25 MARCH 1922, Page 1

The Prince of Wales completed his long and arduous tour

bi India on Friday, March 17th, when he embarked at Karachi for Ceylon and Japan. The Prime Minister in a message to him expressed with truth " the admiration with which the people of this country have followed your memorable visit." In normal times a tour of four months through the length and breadth of India, with innumerable State ceremonies, would have taxed the Prince's strength. In those days, when revolutionary agitation had thriven on the ambiguities of the Government, the task undertaken by the Prince was harder still. Everyone will feel thankful that his health has borne the strain and that no untoward incident marred the success of his visit, even though the gratifying effects of a Royal visit could not, in the circumstances, be as great as they would have been in quiet times. The Prince's personality and his untiring enthusiasm, as Mr. Lloyd George said, will be remembered by the peoples of India, in whom loyalty to the King-Emperor is a very real sentiment.