25 MARCH 1922, page 25

The Song Of Songs. A New Translation By Morris Jastrow,

Junior. (Lippincott. 12s. 6d. net.)—The late Dr. Jastrow left almost complete at his death this interesting and attractive new version of the Song of Songs, with a lengthy......

City Characters Under Several Reigns. By T. H. S. Escott.

(Effingham Wilson. lls. net.)—Mr. Escott gossips pleasantly and discursively about many of-the leading financiers, bankers and merchants of the City, especially in the Victorian......

Potash. Revised By Sydney J. Johnstone. (murray. 6s....

Institute monograph on potash has been revised and enlarged. It now contains a full account of the Alsatian deposits—which have broken down the monopoly long enjoyed by......

The Book Of Job : A Revised Text . And Version.

By C. J. Ball. (Clarendon Press. 25s. -net.)—We noticed recently two elaborate commentaries on Job. Dr. Ball's new commentary is concerned with the text and is warmly commended......

Yvette In. Italy And Titania's Palace. By Nevile...

and Stoughton. 7s. 6d. net.)—A friend lent the author an old tower on the hill above Florence, to which he took his small daughter and a young companion for a painting holiday.......

Through Angola : A Corning Colony. By Colonel J. C.

B. Statham. (Blackwood. 28s. net.)—Colonel Statham went to Angola in 1920 to hunt the giant sable antelope. He travelled into the interior both of Northern and of Southern......

The Ilistory Of Carew (pembrokeshire). By W. G. Spurrell....

: W. Spurrell & Sons. 7s. 6d. net.)—The Vicar of Carew has written an interesting history of his parish, which contains a fine thirteenth-century castle, a church of somewhat......

David Copperfield : A Reading. . By Charles Dickens. (h.

Sotheran. 15s. net.)—This attractive little volume con- tains a reprint . of the selections from David Copper - field- privately printed in 1866—which Dickens made for his......

The Second Year Of The Leay.e. By Harold W. V.

Temperley. (Hutchinson. Os. net.)—This account of the work of the League of Nations during its second year, by a sober and painstaking Cambridge historian, deserves to be widely......

Terrestrial And Celestial Globes. By Edward Luther...

Milford, for the Hispanic Society of America. 2 vols. 508. net.)—Dr. Stevenson is evidently an enthusiastic student of globes and has brought together, in these substantial and......

The Agricultural And Forest Products Of British West...

Gerald C. Dudgeon. (Murray. Is. 6d. net.)—Mr. Dudgeon's admirable handbook was first published in 1911. Much has happened since then, and the changes and developments in West......

The Scottish Communion Office, 1764. By John Dowden. New...

seen through the press by H. A. Wilson. (Clarendon Press. • 14s. net.)—The late Bishop Dowden's elaborate history of the Scottish Liturgy, first published in 1884, was revised......