25 MARCH 1922, page 13

The Lock-out And Its Issues.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] S IR, I observe that you consider the public to have grounds of complaint that the employers have not made their case clear, but are you not......

President Lincoln On "deflation." [to The Editor 55 The "

SPECTATOR."] Sta,—The Manufacturers' Record of March 2nd quotes from a letter of Lincoln read out in the U.S. Senate last meath the following passage :— " I warn the American......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sia,—in Your Leading

article you ask for more light on the engineering dispute and for definite cases to illustrate what employers mean by "managerial functions." The individual employer feels......

The Agony Of Ulster.—does Loyalty Pay? [to The Editor Or

THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —As one of Ulster's numerous friends in England may I be permitted to answer Mr. Grant's question? It behoves us to bear continually iu mind the critical......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.") Sir, —in The Eternal

controversy between Capital and Labour it seems to me that the apologists for the former fail to recog- nize, or at any rate ignore, the one aspect Of the problem which looms so......