25 MARCH 1922, page 14

Mr. Lloyd George's "levity."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR."] SIR,—The Spectator seems, coincidentally, to have fallen into line with certain other journals in the resolve that Mr. Lloyd George must "......

The Succession Of The Popes.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sni,—The prophecy assigning mottoes to the various Popes is commonly attributed to St. Malachy, Archbishop of Armagh and a friend of St.......

Banker Poets.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Ste,—The following correspondence in verse and in rhymed prose, which has lately passed between two eminent Bankers, will, I feel sure,......

President Lincoln On "deflation." [to The Editor 55 The "

SPECTATOR."] Sta,—The Manufacturers' Record of March 2nd quotes from a letter of Lincoln read out in the U.S. Senate last meath the following passage :— " I warn the American......

What Should We Do About The Russian Famine? [to The

EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 V SIR,—Can you or any of your readers throw light on what is one's duty in regard to the Russian Famine? If the Russian Government were short of......