25 MARCH 1922, page 16


POETRY AND THE SUBCONSCIOUS. Dena is the mind's deep dwelling, Roofed and walled and floored With ancient rock. There water, slowly welling Or slowly dripped, is stored In a.......

" All For Love," By John Dryden.—the Phoenix Society.

IN the Prologue to All for Love the reader may remember that Dryden describes himself as " unarmed " because he has for- sworn rhyming. While he constrained himself in his metre......


THE JONES COLLECTION AT SOUTH. KENSINGTON. Ma. Joine JONES (1800-1882) must obviously have been extremely successful as tailor and army clothier, which was his business, before......

The Theatre • David G_arrick " At The Queen's.

by get the same sort of a shock at the Queen's Theatre as when you hear a very beautiful, well-turned-out girl speak and she utters brainless inanities with the voice and accent......

Some Plays Worth Seeing.

PRINCES.—Last fortnight of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas • • QuEsx's.—The Faithful Heart .. [Still palpitating tenderly, so to speak.] COcNT.—The Silver Box [Notice later.]......