25 MARCH 1922, page 1

There Is Rather More Hope Of A Settlement In The

engineering dispute than when we wrote last week. Sir Allan Smith, President of the Employers' Federation, has been in conference with a deputation appointed by the National......

Lord Derby Told The Members Of The Junior Carlton Club

on Friday, March 17th, that he had declined the India Office because he thought that he could serve his party best by remain- ing outside the Government. He denied that he......

We Are Reminded Of The Man Who Complained That His

character had been grossly defamed and threatened instant legal action if a full retractation and apology were not published. When, however, the offender retorted that what he......

It Is Much The Same Thing As Happens When Two

armies are facing each other in line. After perhaps a long period of quiet a few rifle shots ring out and the firing is taken up all along the line, though nobody quite knows......

News Of The Week.

rpHE PRIME MINISTER, whose provisional resignation is in Mr. Chamberlain's pocket, has decided to postpone the evil day. This corroborates our opinion that Mr. Lloyd George......

We Quote An Item Of News From The Morning Pose

of Tuesday which needs little comment :- We quote an item of news from the Morning Pose of Tuesday which needs little comment :- " A strike of the employees of Wallsend......

The Prince Of Wales Completed His Long And Arduous Tour

bi India on Friday, March 17th, when he embarked at Karachi for Ceylon and Japan. The Prime Minister in a message to him expressed with truth " the admiration with which the......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......