25 MARCH 1922, page 23

Europe In Convalescence.

THE title of Mr. Alfred E. Zimmern's vigorous and highly controversial essay, Europe in Convalescence (Mills and Boon, 5s. net), shows that he does not share the gloomy opinions......

Mr. Burgin's Memoirs.

Mn. G. B. Br:morn, the veteran journalist and novelist, has written a second book of reminiscences, under the title of More _Memoirs (and Some Travels) (Hutchinson, 16s. net),......

The Eye Of The Wift. By E. Temple Thurston. (cassell.

7s. 6d. net.)—Newspapers and magazines are essentially ephemeral. The present is pre-eminently theirs, but no single issue can be said to have a past or a future worth the name.......

The Tent Of Blue. By Lady Dorothy Mills. (duckworth.

7s. 6d. net.)—This novel opens with a rather depressing account of the unsuccessful marriage of a " smart " young couple, Geoffrey and Rachel Poynder, in which the husband's......


THE RED SHADOW.* WHEN the present writer was handed this book for review, he was given to understand that it was a novel. But he has now very grave doubts. The language and the......