25 MARCH 1922, Page 25

Yvette in. Italy and Titania's Palace. By Nevile Wilkinson. (Hodder

and Stoughton. 7s. 6d. net.)—A friend lent the author an old tower on the hill above Florence, to which he took his small daughter and a young companion for a painting holiday. In this pleasant book he deacribes, half in fun and half in earnest, the journey, the rambles about Florence, and the little adven- tures that the party had. He illustrates the volume with photographs, several of his own water-colours, -and two spirited- drawings by Colonel R. Goff—showing Fiesole from the garden of the tower, and the " Palazzo Superba," otherwise the Villa Medici, where Princess Mary and Lord. Lascelles are staying. The author writes well, and young people will be interested in his book.