25 MARCH 1922, Page 2

In the by-election at Cambridge on Thursday, March 16th, Sir

Douglas Newton, the Conservative candidate, headed the poll with 10,897 votes. Mr. Dalton, the Labour candidate, was second with 6,954 votes, and Mr. Cope Morgan, the Indepen- dent Liberal, came last, as usual, with 4,529 votes. At the General Election Sir Eric Geddes polled 11,553 votes, while a weak Labour candidate received 3,789 votes. The Labour vote has thue increased from a fourth to a third of the total poll. On the same day, in Inverness-shire, Sir M. Macdonald, who had succeeded Mr. T. B. Morison, now a Scottish judge, as the Coalition Liberal candidate, defeated the Independent Liberal, Mr. Livingstone, by a majority of 316 on a light poll. At the General Election Mr. Morison had an easy victory over a Highland Land Leaguer.