We are glad to see that Lord Robert Cecil, in
Tuesday's Tinies, has called attention to the gross ill-treatment inflicted on. Airs Stan. Harding, a British journalist, by the Bolsheviks. She• went to Russia in June, 1920, with the explicit approval of the Moscow rulers, as a representative of the New York World. On her arrival she was thrown. into prison and kept in solitaiy confinement on a starvation diet. Her gaolers offered to release her if she would act as a spy on other British• journalists in Russia. When she at last obtained her freedom the Bolsheviks, in reply to Lord Curzon's protests, refused her any compensation on the ground that the British Government-had treated Russian citizens in the same way. Lord Robert. ,Ceeil asks that full publicity. should • be given to " this striking evidence of the strange conduct of a Government which is seeking to be readmitted to the community of civilized nations."