25 MARCH 1922, Page 3

Lord Londonderry moved an amendment that the terms of reference

to the Boundary Commission should be submitted for approval to both Houses of Parliament on an Address being presented to the Throne. He explained that his proposal was not a wrecking one, but was designed simply to avoid difficulties. Lord Peel, speaking for the Government, made the usual reply that the terms of reference were sufficiently set out in the Treaty. Lord Dunraven implored the House to take care that nothing was done which would give an excuse to Mr. De Valera and his Republicans to say that the Treaty had been altered since it was offered to the Irish people. The amendment was rejected by 110 votes to 65. It was agreed to provide for the transfer to the Northern Parliament of certain powers exercisable by the Council of Ireland, and after some other amendments had been rejected the Bill as amended was reported to the House.