The Sinn Feiners during the past week have redoubled their
murderous activities in Belfast, where many Protestant men and women have been shot dead in the streets or bombed in their houses, and there are, of course, the usual reprisals. The Irish Republican Army has also resumed its attacks on Ulster, in co-operation with partisans in the hilly districts of Tyrone and Londonderry. On Sunday the police barracks at Pomeroy, in Tyrone, and Maghera, in Londonderry, were attacked and captured by large parties of the I.R.A., who took away all the arms. On Monday other parties of Sinn Feiners burnt large flour-mills, saw-mills and farmhouses at Ballyyarton, in Londonderry, whose owners were acting as special constables. On Monday night Sinn Fein bands attacked and burnt many farms in Tyrone and blew up bridges. Several Protestants were murdered or badly wounded by the raiders. The Protestants living in Donegal are being expelled from the county. The Ulster police on the border are blocking the roads and making preparations for defence. The Provisional Govern- ment in Dublin meanwhile do nothing, except to publish inflammatory and misleading reports of the alleged sufferings of the militant Sinn Feiners in Belfast.