25 MAY 1912, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OP THE ".SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Surely to intimate to Germany that England, though accepting, as a rule of her own conduct, the Monroe doctrine, is not prepared to defend that doctrine by force of arms for America is not quite the same thing as "inviting Germany to violate . . . the Monroe doctrine." Germany believes that the " violation " of the doctrine would find us in the first line of its defence. We are not bound by treaty or honour to defend the doctrine ; we are bound by both to defend the colonies and possessions of Portugal! Neither Mr. Taft nor Mr. Roosevelt may have any desire or intention to tale a great heritage from us ; they certainly went that way to work, and there is also "a certain Mr. Champ Clark."—I am, Sir, Sol, 95 Piccadilly. BERTRAM G. PALLE.