25 MAY 1912, page 16

Profitable Egg-farming.

[To VII EDITOR 07 Till "SPECTATOIL."] SIR,—I was much interested in reading an article on egg. production published in your last issue. The writer stated that 120.130 eggs per......

"a Dearth Of Swallows In Southern Europe."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOE.".1 Sin,—In your issue of May 4th, in your correspondence columns, notice is drawn to the fact that the swallow has disappeared almost entirely......

Gresiiam's School, Holt, Commemoration Wye Anniversary Or...

EDITOR OF THE " SPRCTAroa."1 SIR, —May I ask the aid of your columns to remind Old Boys that the commemoration of the opening of the school will be held on Saturday, Juno 8th ?......


GRANDEUR. Poen Mary Byrne is dead, An' all the world may see Where she lies upon her bed Just as fine as quality. She lies there still and white With candles either hand That'll......

James Dalvay.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEl " SPIACTATOR."1 81a, — In the early years of the last century there lived, died, and was buried in Oxford a Frenchman named James Dalvay (? D'Alvay). He......

Notice. — When "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......

Children's Country Holidays Fund. [to The Editor Op The...

Ent, — Owing to the decrease in the subscriptions to the Children's Country Holidays Fund the Executive Committee are obliged to consider the question of reducing the numbers of......

A Nightingale Heard At Stockwell.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin, — Yesterday I beard a nightingale singing (from dawn till about four a.m.) within a stone's throw of the busy corner of the Swan,'......


THE GIRLHOOD OF CLARA WIECK. Miss FLORENCE MAY'S earlier venture into the domain of musical biography was not only an admirable piece of work in itself—its merit has already......