25 MAY 1912, page 15

Profitable Egg-farming.

[To VII EDITOR 07 Till "SPECTATOIL."] SIR,—I was much interested in reading an article on egg. production published in your last issue. The writer stated that 120.130 eggs per......

The Research Defence Society's Book. [to Nix Exprox. Of Tier

"SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Is it not somewhat captious ou the part of you! paper this week to call attention to the discrepancy between the pro- and anti-betting attitude of the......

The Influence Of Marriage On Character.

[To TIM EDITOR Or TRH " Sewrivroa."] [To TIM EDITOR Or TRH " Sewrivroa."] Sin,—In your article on the "Goads of the Wise" in your issue of May 18th you ask the question, " Where......

" Mother 1 Mother I" [to Rue Editor Or Try

"SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The writer of the article " The Beginning and End of Love" in last week's Spectator, referring to the account of a s urvivor—Dillon—of the sinking of the......

A Great Scholar.

[To TOR EDITOR or TRH "SPECTATOR."' Sin., —I have read your brief notice of the late J. E. B. Mayor's sermons with interest.—By the way, you have, twice over, printed the second......