25 MAY 1912, page 22

A Political Satirist.f It Is A Long Time Since We

have seen a volume of political satire with merits so great as those which strike the reader of Mr. Colvin's Party Whips. Satire, indeed, for one reason or another, is a......

Supply And Demand *

Ma. DIBBLER'S book, which he calls The Laws of Supply and Demand, professes to be, in his own words, "a direct assault on the orthodox theory of political economy as established......

The Heralds Op The Dawn.* Mn. Watson Excels In What

Stevenson called the "piety of speech." No poet of our day is more studiously reverent towards our tongue or more solicitous of its simplicity. But, though he has written in his......

The "kew Bitlletin." 40 There Is Always An Interest In...

over the pages of the Sew Bulletin to look for the new discoveries of the year. The list of new plants in any year is generally a pretty long one, and the new introductions of......