25 MAY 1912, page 2

On The Motion For The Adjournment Of The House Till

June 4th a debate on the administration of the Insurance Act was initiated by Mr. Worthington Evans, who condemned the rushing tactics of the Government and the deluge of......

It Was Announced Last Saturday That The President Of The

Board of Trade had appointed a technical committee to advise him on the internal subdivision of vessels by means of water- tight bulkheads and other means. Hitherto passenger......

The Amenities Of The Presidential Campaign Are Effectively

satirized by "Mr. Dooley" in the New York Times. He pictures Mr. Taft entering his saloon and delivering a speech in which he begins by reviling his audience and then suddenly......

We Cannot Summarize All The Evidence At The 'titanic'....

but we must mention the exceptionally clear and interesting statement made by Mr. Lightener, the second officer, on Tuesday. Mr. Lightener was carried down with the ship when......

The Tangier Correspondent Of The Times Gave On Monday A

gloomy account of the situation in Morocco. One of the sons of Mal Ainin, who was a famous religious chief and sorcerer of the Sahara, has been proclaimed Sultan in the Sits......

The Full Report Of The Trial Of Miss Malecka, Reached

the Foreign Office on Tuesday morning, and Sir Edward Grey, in announcing its arrival, said he must have an opportunity of reading it before he could make any further statement.......

That There Is Ground For Indignation We Do Not Deny.

But we have no hesitation in saying that the method adopted by the agitators is the very best possible to secure a confirmation of the sentence on Miss Malecka. They......

On Tuesday In The Commons Major Archer-shee Opened A Debate

on the Board of Trade's attitude towards life- saving at sea and charged the Board with being hopelessly out of touch with modern conditions. Lord Charles Beres- ford said that......