25 MAY 1912, Page 2

The Tangier correspondent of the Times gave on Monday a

gloomy account of the situation in Morocco. One of the sons of Mal Ainin, who was a famous religious chief and sorcerer of the Sahara, has been proclaimed Sultan in the Sits district. Many of the tribes in the South are flocking to his standard. In the North the outlook is not more hopeful. " The feeling of the people against the French," says the correspondent, " is increasing in hostility, and will continue to increase until the French authorities give some clear sign that they have the welfare of the Moorish people at heart." As for the grabbing of land from natives the French have announced that the new code under which there will be a better chance than now of obtaining redress will not be ready for two years: The correspondent utters a warning that the "exasperation is becoming serious" and that if nothing is done to allay it there will probably be an anti-French revolt in Tangier.