25 MAY 1912, page 23

A Political Satirist.f It Is A Long Time Since We

have seen a volume of political satire with merits so great as those which strike the reader of Mr. Colvin's Party Whips. Satire, indeed, for one reason or another, is a......

Daphne In The Fatherland. (andrew Melrose. 6s.)—this...

an account of a girl's adventures in Berlin, where she moves in the highest circles. As, however, she has not been presented at home, she has to see a Court from no more......

The Devil's Wind. By Patricia Wentworth (mrs. G. F. Dillon)

(Andrew Melrose. Os.) —This remarkable novel deals with the Indian Mutiny and treats a hackneyed subject so cleverly that the book seems positively original. The opening......


SERVICE YARNS AND MEMORIES.* THERE have always been soldiers who could handle the pen, when occasion arose, with energy and efficiency. Foreign service and campaigning supplied......