25 MAY 1912, page 12

England, America, And Germany.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE ".SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Surely to intimate to Germany that England, though accepting, as a rule of her own conduct, the Monroe doctrine, is not prepared to......

The Monroe Doctrine.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your note to Mr. Falle's letter last week you describe the Monroe doctrine as " what all Americans regard as vital." I used to be of......

Duties Of Citizenship Afloat And On Shore.

[To TEE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In a letter to the Times, May 13th, Sir Thomas Lipton proposes that each steward on board the various liners should in times of......

The Labour Unrest.

[To TRE EDITOR Or TUN "SPECTATOR. " ] Sia,—I read with interest your article in last week's issue regarding the question of the unrest in the labour world and heavy taxation,......

National Insurance.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "' SIR, — Mr. Comyns Carr's inaccuracy makes his ease hopeless. He has protested publicly and privately that no penalty can fall on the workman......